Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Skagway, Haines and a few other things...

Yesterday we drove from the cold air but bright sun of Whitehorse into the cloudy, windy drizzly  and even colder air of Skagway, AK.  Undaunted, I donned a long sleeved shirt, a fleece shirt, a down vest and a hooded jacket, packed my ear warmers and gloves and embarked, with Mark of course, for the FastFerry between Skagway and Haines.

After almost getting blown away while taking photos on the ferry, we landed at Haines.

The main attraction there, for us at least, was the Hammer Museum - yes, really, thousands of hammers on display.  It was very disappointing that the real Hammers of NY did not get a discount of admission.

Today I left off the fleece shirt was went went on a lovely drive and hike to Dyea, a ghost town that is - currently a Nationall Park Historic site but was once a thriving gold rush community.

It was one of the first times I remember seeing large open meadows.

Dinner was at the 'Northern Lights Pizzaria, specializing in Mexican and Chinese food' in town.  Actually, good pizza.  We also visited several shops specializing in Alaskan art and a store that was selling a quivit stole in georgeous purple for $800+

And what's really great is that we don't know where we'll be tomorrow!


adolfo_isassi said...

Hi Debbie!
It is Jul 23 and we are in Haines AK. For us, Haines was a visit on a whim...we were on our way back to the lower 48, but since we loved the area on Haines Junction so much on our way up, we decided to spend some time here on our way down. So we drove from Haines Junction to Haines and here, we took the Fast Ferry to Skagway.

We may leave tomorrow, but if the weather is nice, we may stay another day.

Say Hi to Mark and tell him many thanks for the do-da in our kitchen faucet, it has worked wonders for our dry camping!

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