Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meetings and a play

We spent most of the morning at a Unit President's meeting representing Metro NY at the Region 2 Rally. Politics is infinitely interesting


Then took Belle into Paris to the pet store and bought her a harness that will enable us to seat belt her in the truck.

In the evening the Paris Players did a play "Queen Millie of Galt" based on some questionable information about a morgantic marriage between Edward Vlll and a commoner, Millie. Very entertaining and nicely done. The male lead was only 22 and besides his acting, he is apprenticing at the local bakery - in at 4 AM. That's a tough schedule.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Paris Ontario

After a Tim Horton's breakfast, we took a ride into Paris, known as the cobblestone capitol of Canada.

It is on the Grand River.

Debbie got a chance to visit the Mary Maxim store and pick up some yarn and some knitting/crochet books.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at the campsite and going to a great happy hour at Donna's (past president Finger Lakes unit) campsite. 

Just to note - it is real hot and humid here.  Temperatures in the 80's and quite uncomfortable until it cools down at night.  Almost makes one lose one's appetite.

Off to a good start...

It's always hectic getting out of the house and this was no exception. We left about noon and hit traffic getting to NJ and also in PA. We arrived at Ellen and Gary and Jon's around 6. To apologize to nephew Jon for not including him in the previous post, here is a picture of him in the hot tub.

The trip to Paris was relatively uneventful with no trouble or wait at the border and only one wrong turn on the highway.

We met some old  (Donna, Joe, Kathy)  and new friends (Nancy) at theRegion 2 Rally and enjoyed the first night's entertainment of a duo of gentlemen singing songs from the 50's and 60's.

Today, Friday, we spent part of the morning gettting our computers linked up to the local internet.  Now we're off for more adventures

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Launch date...

is officially tomorrow!  We're off to Syracuse to visit Mark's mom, sister and husband.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Launch date... currently set for May 25!

It is definitely crunch time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Serious planning

Serious planning begins with a visit to AAA.  .
We came home with three bags full of maps, camp books and guidebooks.